2021年11月5日 星期五


 Q1. "Filter in front of LNA" vs "LNA in front of filter"

A1. "LNA in front of filter" (w/ proper frequency response) provides better RF performance.

Q2. PA linearity index?

Q3. Spectrum Analyzer : Resolution BW vs Video BW

A3. Resolution BW : frequency axis grid

    Video BW : displayed spectrum is low-pass filtered.

Q4. Btwn TDD and FDD, which requires higher quality power supply? why?

    (same Fc, BW, 64QAM and peak power)

A4. FDD. Higher power supply helps inter band seperation.

2021年9月15日 星期三

BPDU - When Windows Ethernet and WiFi are configured in "Bridge" mode.

Source https://www.itsfun.com.tw/BPDU/wiki-8372865-1834445



  • 中文名稱
  • 版本號
    STP的版本(為IEEE 802.1d時值為0
  • 協定ID
  • 報文類型


網橋協定資料單元(Bridge Protocol Data Unit)。是一種生成樹協定問候封包,它以可配置的間隔發出,用來在網路的網橋間進行信息交換。


BPDU是網橋協定資料單元(Bridge Protocol Data Unit)的英文首字母縮寫。



版本號:STP的版本(為IEEE 802.1d時值為0)。

報文類型:BPDU類型(配置BPDU=0,TCN BPDU=80)。













網橋典型地連線兩個用同樣介質存取控製方法的網段,IEEE 802.1d規範(此規範是為所有的802介質存取方法開發的)定義了透明橋。源路由橋是由IBM公司為它的令牌環網路開發的;而源路由透明橋則是透明橋和源路由橋的組合。橋兩邊的網段分屬于不同的沖突域,但卻屬于同一個廣播域



生成樹協定是一種橋嵌套協定,在IEEE 802.1d規範裏定義,可以用來消除橋回路。它的工作原理是這樣的:生成樹協定定義了一個封包,叫做橋協定資料單元BPDU(Bridge Protocol Data Unit)。網橋用BPDU來相互通信,並用BPDU的相關機能來動態選擇根橋和備份橋。但是因為從中心橋到任何網段隻有一個路徑存在,所以橋回路被消除。



Source http://smalleaf.blogspot.com/2011/10/switch-bpdu-guard.html

防止私接Switch的利器 - BPDU GUARD


為什麼設定了Spanning-tree portfast還有spanning-tree bpduguard enable那個port不能接switch!?

1.spanning-tree: 中文好像翻成生成樹,管它什麼翻譯,這個東西是Switch上的設定,設定上去後,Switch與Switch之間會相互溝通,避免網路迴圈(loop)狀況產生,缺點是剛接上switch的設備會需要30~50秒的時間…溝通…之後網路才會通。

2.portfast: 這是spanning-tree的進階設定,目的就是當確定網路port所連接的設備確定是終端設備,如印表機、PC、Server等時,不需要switch之間的spanning-tree那30~50秒的溝通,可以利用portfast跳過這個溝通時間。

3.BPDU:全面為bridge protocol data unit,為switch之間spanning-tree溝通的協定資料,只要有spanning-tree的環境就會有BPDU存在。


原因是spanning-tree是cisco switch預設的功能,只要開機就有啦!!所以只要把一台switch接到另一個swich就會發生spanning-tree的溝通。這時....BPDU GUARD的功就用產生了,可以用來避免人把swich接到自已的網路環境,因為只要一接上就會有bpdu協定資料出現,這時bpdu guard就會將該port error disable,來避免有人私接swich進網路環境。

聰明的您應該有發現,這有個前提,整個bpdu guard的保護只能保護會發送bpdu的switch,如果對方把spanning-tree關掉,或是非cisco swich,這個安全機制就破功啦@@

雖然如此,這還是一個很好的功能,比如說某天自已忘了,接了一台swich上去,更動了原本的STP架構,這不就糗了!!透過BPDU GUARD就是在避免STP被更動的危險狀況!!

為什麼設定了Spanning-tree portfast還有spanning-tree bpduguard enable那個port不能接switch!?

因為spanning-tree bpduguard enable之後,會開啟spanning-tree的bpdu防護機制,避免swich之間有spanning-tree的溝通資料(bpdu),或者說,避免有人私接switch進來,因為當對方一接進來,該port會偵測到bpdu資料,此時已啟用bpdu guard的switch會自動將該port Error Disable。所以更正確一點的說法是,不能接會發送bpdu的switch進來,如果非cisco swich或是已關掉spanning-tree的swich還是可以接進來的。

Source https://a46087.pixnet.net/blog/post/32217254




NB / Win10 /

WiFi/Ethernet network bridge by following https://superuser.com/questions/1319833/use-wifi-and-ethernet-simultaneously-on-windows-10

PC / Linux / Ethernet

WNC MIS : 網孔底下的設備串到loop or 私接的switch被偵測到導致網孔被鎖住。WNC MIS : 網孔偵測到BPDU這種封包就會被鎖住

2021年9月6日 星期一

Communication btwn Linux User Space and Kernel Space.

 Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/942273/what-is-the-ideal-fastest-way-to-communicate-between-kernel-and-user-space

  • mmap

  • named pipe
  • system calls

  • ioctls

  • /proc & /sys 

  • netlink

Reentrant vs Thread-safe

Source https://magicjackting.pixnet.net/blog/post/113860339

Reentrant vs Thread-safe

Reentrancy 和 thread-safty 是兩個容易被搞混了的觀念. 其中最嚴重的是誤以為 reentrant function 必定是 thread-safe 或者相反以為 thread-safe function 必為 reentrant, stackoverflow 網站上的答覆甚至同時出現二種答案的現象.

Reentrancy 和 Thread-safty 二者的差異

首先來看 reentrancy: 字面上的意思是可重入. Reentrancy 原先是討論單一執行緒環境下 (即沒有使用多工作業系統時) 的主程式和中斷服務程式 (ISR) 之間共用函數的問題. 當然現在多核心的 CPU 盛行, 討論範圍也必需擴充至多執行緒的情況. 重點是它討論的主體是: 在 ISR 中使用的函數 (不論是自己寫的或者是函數庫提供的) 是否會引發錯誤結果. 主要的達成條件是二者 (ISR 和非 ISR) 的共用函數中不使用靜態變數或全域變數 (意即只用區域變數). 一般是撰寫驅動程式 (device driver) 或者是寫 embedded system 的人會遇到這個問題.

再來是 thread-safety: 字面上的意思是執行緒 (線程) 安全. Thread-safe 一開始就針對多執行緒的環境 (CPU 可能單核也可能是多核), 討論的是某一段程式碼在多執行緒環境中如何保持資料的一致性 (及完整性), 使不致於因為執行緒的切換而產生不一致 (及不完整) 或錯誤的結果. 所以是程式中有運用到多執行緒的大型應用系統的程式人員會比較常遇到這類問題. 問題的產生點一般出現在對某一共用變數 (或資源) 進行 read-modify-write (或者類似的動作(註一)) 時, 還沒來得及完成整個動作, 就被其他的執行緒插斷, 並且該執行緒也一樣對這個共用變數 (或資源) 進行 read-modify-write (或者類似的動作). 例如Thread1 和 Thread2 之間我們需要一個作為計數器的共用變數:

2021年8月17日 星期二

CR (Carriage Return, 0x0D = '\r') and LF (Line Feed, 0x0A = '\n')

 '\r'是回車,前者使游標到行首,(carriage return)ASCII碼(0x0D

'\n'是換行,後者使游標下移一格,(line feed)ASCII碼(0xoA)

\r 是回車,return
\n 是換行,newline
對於換行這個動作,unix下一般只有一個0x0A表示換行("\n"),windows下一般都是0x0D0x0A兩個字元("\r\n"),蘋果機(MAC OS系統)則採用回車符CR表示下一行(\r)

Dos和windows採用回車 換行CR/LF表示下一行,即^M$($不是換行符的表示,換行符沒有表示出來,$是文字結束EOF的表示)
蘋果機(MAC OS系統)則採用回車符CR表示下一行,即\r

CR用符號'\r'表示, 十進位制ASCII程式碼13, 十六進位制程式碼為0x0D;
LF使用'\n'符號表示, ASCII程式碼10, 十六製為0x0A. 所以Windows平臺上換行在文字檔案中是使用 0d 0a 兩個位元組表示, 而UNIX和蘋果平臺上換行則是使用0a或0d一個位元組表示.


2021年7月15日 星期四

Comparing the TEE to integrated HSMs

Source: https://www.trustonic.com/technical-articles/comparing-the-tee-to-integrated-hsms/


As more and more devices become connected so the need for ever greater security and protection of critical assets increases. Traditionally such support has been provided by a Hardware Security Module (HSM) but over the last decade the use of Trusted Execution Environments (TEE) has grown significantly. This article aims to provide the reader with an understanding of the difference between these two solutions and their suitability for different scenarios. 


Generically, a HSM provides key management and cryptographic functionality for other applications. 

A TEE also provides this functionality, along with enabling application (or security focused parts of applications) to execute inside its isolation environment. 

For example, in modern Android mobile devices, the TEE is already unknowingly used every day, by millions of people as an HSM equivalent, through the use of a Trusted Application (TA) providing the Android KeyMaster functionality. 

Regular Execution Environment (REE) is the term in the TEE community for everything in a device that is outside a particular TEE. Technically, from a particular TEEs point of view, all components that are outside of its security boundary live in the REE. Having said that, for simplification of the big picture, a device with multiple TEEs, SIMs, HSMs or other high trust components, may have those separated out from the REE. The REE houses the Regular OS, which in combination with the rest of that execution environment, does not have sufficient security to meet a task needed by the device. 

For more background on terminology like TEE and REE please have a look in “What is a TEE?” 

For more information on the ARM TrustZone hardware security behind the TEE have a look in “What is a TrustZone?” 

How a HSM solves your problems… 

In compact devices with integrated HSM, the software architecture looks something like this: 

Comparing the TEE to integrated HSMs

The HSM provides Cryptographic Services to your security focused task. 

The “Secure” task in the REE has data. The HSM can receive that data and encrypt or decrypt that data, before handing it back to the issuer task in the REE. 

How is this done using a TEE? 

Here is how we support HSM functionality in a TEE enabled device today: 

Comparing the TEE to integrated HSMs

In an Android device, the above HSM will typically be replaced by a TA, within the TEE, implementing Keymaster functionality and an Android specific REE stack rather than OpenSSL/PKCS#11

In the above case, with a simpler Regular OS as might be found in an Engine Control Unit (ECU), a generic TA has been specifically written to provide the functionality of a typical HSM. 

Of course, with a TEE you can always do better than that

A TEE need not be used as a fixed purpose service provider like an HSM, it can also host the tasks directly. 

Comparing the TEE to integrated HSMs

Here we move the task into the TEE and manipulation of the unencrypted data can occur, in a place inaccessible to activity in the REE. 

As an example of what we gain:  

  • A device typically supports other tasks like complicated communication protocols (e.g., CAN BusIPBlueTooth or even 5G).  
  • These communication mechanisms may, or may not, be used by a particular secure task. 
  • What is important, is that by placing the secure task somewhere isolated from that communication software (e.g., in a TEE), security issues in the communication software no longer potentially drag down the security of the secure task. 

Some HSMs can load code to execute through proprietary extensions, but a GlobalPlatform compliant TEE uses standardised interfaces, enabling tasks developed for one TEE, to execute on another. Such tasks, executing in the TEE, are called “Trusted Applications”. 

What you cannot do with a HSM, but can do with a TEE in a well-designed SoC

HSM’s cannot directly protect the I/O ports providing sensor data, or controlling actuators, from software attacks in, for example, the REE of the ECU of a vehicle. 

Comparing the TEE to integrated HSMs

Unlike an HSM, on a correctly designed System-On-Chip (SoC) a TEE can also interface to peripherals. This enables the creation of a secure task, housed safely inside the TEE,  that can be used to substantially enhance the critical tasks’ security.  

Comparing the TEE to integrated HSMs

What do we gain here?  

Well, consider an example, from the automotive industry, of a fuel throttle. If the throttles’ I/O control port on the ECU is exposed in the REE software then it does not matter how much security the REE “Secure” task use of the HSM brings; you would not be using an HSM if you had high confidence in the security of the REE itself, and so you cannot have confidence that the software in the REE cannot be attacked.  

If the REE is open to attack, that means that attacked REE software can potentially gain unauthorised access to that I/O port, no matter how good the HSM is.  

In the TEE (like in an HSM), we do not have the generic load of software tasks unrelated to security. A task in the TEE can interface to hardware control ports without risk of other software making unauthorised access. 

If I only have an HSM in the above example, then all I can do is protect the data traffic to a device, not the decision making in the device. With a TEE, I can do both. 

Physical Attacks: TEE vs HSM 

As we have seen above, one issue with the use of an HSM is the exposure of data communications before any encryption has occurred. 

  • This impacts the data while it is in software, where it can be extracted or modified by a corrupted REE before the HSM has had a chance to act upon it.  
  • This also impacts the hardware attack profile. 

Fundamentally, device integrated HSMs might go as far as to use on-SoC hardware methods to protect their keys from extraction that are stronger than those of a TEE. However, the method to transfer data to the HSM for protection by those keys is no more strongly protected, than that used by a TEE and can be far weaker.  

Consider the following PCB-attached HSM in comparison to a typical TEE which will be using a stacked die (Package on a Package) to protect its much higher speed traffic: 

Comparing the TEE to integrated HSMs
Physical attacks

Stronger TEEs do not even use external RAM, as shown above, but can use on-SoC RAM instead. 

Comparing the TEE to integrated HSMs
TEE using On-SoC RAM

In this case, the benefit of using a TEE to provide traditional HSM functionality is a significant reduction in the exposure of unprotected data and therefore an enhancement of the overall security for the platform. 

Ultimately, if you are concerned about key extraction, it is advised that designs keep the key batch size small, whether using a TEE or an HSM. 

It is worth noting that in the EVITA standards, some HSM types reside on the same SoC as the REE, but in those cases their hardware protection methods are typically the same as a TEE (see the EVITA HSM levels). 


In fast moving new innovation areas, such as connected vehicles and robotics, as well as consumer electronics devices, a TEE provides a cost effective and future proofed alternative to using an HSM. 

In addition to the potential of providing typical HSM functionality, a GlobalPlatform compliant TEE can also protect the critical tasks directly and has standardised methods for enabling over-the-air updating of critical systems. 

Fundamentally, a typical HSM is an attack-resistant cryptographic device designed to perform a specific set of cryptographic functions by the HSM designer. It provides the confidence of non-interference inside the scope defined by the relevant protection profile. A standardised TEE can do the same, and significantly more without the need to add additional hardware. As the TEE resides on the existing SoC integrated MMUs and TrustZone enabled hardware, the overall hardware bill of materials can be reduced and as components are being removed, and incidentally reducing risks of hardware failure.  

The development of TEEs is driven by standards, such as GlobalPlatform, and this brings predictability and interoperability. This means that device OEMs and third parties, can develop Trusted Applications to support an ever-growing list of platform security requirements.    

2021年5月23日 星期日

Ubuntu 14.04 使用 codeblock

Ref:https://www.itread01.com/p/160649.html 1、安裝 sudo apt-get install codeblocks codeblocks-common codeblocks-contrib wxformbuilder libwxbase3.0-0 libwxgtk3.0-0 wx-common wx3.0-headers wx3.0-i18n wx3.0-examples 2、基礎配置 http://wiki.codeblocks.org/index.php?title=Syntax_highlighting_custom_colour_themes 新增theme setting => syntax highlighting 配置theme setting => editor => margin and caret 配置游標顯示(預設為黑色,黑色theme時看不到) setting => editor => keyboard shortcuts 配置快捷鍵 setting => editor => code complete 配置程式碼自動完成 3、專案 file => new => project 建立專案 專案屬性 => build options 配置專案環境,tag,shared lib,標頭檔案等 file => new => file / class 新新增程式碼檔案 4、常用快捷鍵 ctrl + G 跳轉到某一行 alt + G 開啟某一檔案 ctrl + shift + G 跳轉到某一函式 ctrl + F9 編譯 ctrl + F10 執行 ctrl + F11 重新編譯 F9 編譯+執行 5、DEBUG Project > Set programs' arguments...

2021年5月16日 星期日

QXDM handbook

[Operating mode]

MSG 07:04:47.945 IMS/High [ICSDPLHandlerVOWIFIDisabled.cpp    484] ICSDPLHandlerVOWIFIDisabled::ProcessCallCtrlCB | oprt mode (lpm on/off, etc.) - 61                        ICSDPLHandlerVOWIFIDisabled.cpp00484                    ICSDPLHandlerVOWIFIDisabled::ProcessCallCtrlCB | oprt mode (lpm on/off, etc.) - 6

2021年5月5日 星期三

Extract the UBIFS images from a UBI image.

Source: https://github.com/jrspruitt/ubi_reader/blob/master/README.md#extracting-images

sudo apt-get install ubi_reader

ubireader_extract_files [options] path/to/file

The script accepts a file with UBI or UBIFS data in it, so should work with a NAND dump. It will search for the first occurance of UBI or UBIFS data and attempt to extract the contents. If file includes special files, you will need to run as root or sudo for it to create these files. With out it, it'll skip them and show a warning that these files were not created.

2021年3月27日 星期六

GPP TS 23.040 -- SMS -- part1(第三章節)

Source https://blog.csdn.net/qq_41209741/article/details/114634362




3. 服務和服務要素

3.1 Basic services

3.2 Short Message Service elements

3.2.0 Introduction

3.2.1 有效期

3.2.2 服務中心時間戳

3.3.3 協議標識符

3.3.4 More Message to Send

3.3.5 優先和非優先信息的傳遞

3.3.6 Message Waiting

3.2.7 Alert-SC

3.2.7a MT Correlation ID

3.2.9 Status report capabilities

3.3 Unsuccessful short message TPDU transfer SC > MS

3.3.1 Errors occurring during transfer of TPDU to MS

3.3.2 Errors occurring after TPDU arrives at MS

3.4 Unsuccessful short message TPDU transfer MS->SC

3.4.1 Errors occurring during transfer of TPDU to SC

3.4.2 Errors occurring after TPDU arrives at SC

3.5 將補充業務與短消息業務結合使用

3.6 運營商決定限制在短消息業務中的適用性

3.7 多條短消息傳輸

3.8 短信和互聯網電子郵件互通

3.9 短信壓縮





alert-SC:由GSM/UMTS PLMN提供的服務單元,用於通知先前向特定MS發起了不成功的短消息遞送嘗試的SC,該MS現在被PLMN識別為已恢復操作

status report:SC通知發起MS提交給SME的短消息的結果

Gateway MSC For Short Message Service(SMS-GMSC):MSC的功能,能夠從SC接收短消息,詢問HLR路由信息和SMS信息,並將短消息傳送到VMSC或接收方MS的SGSN

IP-Short-Message-Gateway (IP-SM-GW):負責基於IP的UE和SC之間的協議互通的功能

Loop Prevention (LP):允許SMS應用程序禁止轉發或自動生成可能導致無限循環的消息的信息元素。

Messages Waiting (MW):使PLMN存儲信息(消息等待指示)的服務元素,列出那些嘗試向該PLMN中的MS發送短消息失敗的SCs

Messages Waiting Indication (MWI):要存儲在與MS相關聯的HLR和VLR中的數據,指示在一組SCs中有一個或多個消息等待被傳送到MS(由於不成功的傳送嘗試)

Messages Waiting Data (MWD):MWI(消息等待指示)的一部分,存儲在HLR中。MWD由SMSC(短消息服務中心)的地址列表組成,該地址列表中有等待發送到移動設備的消息。

Home Location Register(HLR):歸屬位置寄存器是在蜂窩網絡中找到的數據庫。它除了存儲基於位置區域的信息外,還存儲與服務和功能相關的訂戶數據。

Mobile Management Entity (MME):為位於指定為MME區域的地理區域中的移動站執行分組交換功能的交換機

Mobile-services Switching Centre (MSC):為位於指定為MSC區域的地理區域中的移動台執行交換功能的交換機

Mobile Station Memory Capacity Exceeded Flag (MCEF):部分MWI存儲在HLR中。


Mobile Station Not Reachable Flag (MNRF):部分MWI存儲在VLR、MME和HLR中。MME支持本文件中規定的與MNRF有關的VLR的所有要求。


Mobile station Not-Reachable-for-GPRS (MNRG):部分MWI存儲在SGSN和HLR中


Mobile Station Not Reachable-via-the-MSC-Reason (MNRR-MSC):MWI在HLR中的一部分,當在MSC向MS發送短消息的嘗試失敗並導致用戶缺席時,它存儲MS缺席的原因

Mobile Station Not Reachable-via-the-SGSN-Reason (MNRR-SGSN):MWI在HLR中的一部分,當在MSC向MS發送短消息的嘗試失敗並導致用戶缺席時,它存儲MS缺席的原因

More Messages To Send (MMS):信息元素,提供一個MS接收來自SC的短消息的時候,信息是否還有更多的消息等待從該SC發送到MS

Service Centre (SC):負責在SME和MS之間中繼、存儲和轉發短消息的功能

Short Message Entity (SME):可以發送或接收短消息的實體。


SMS STATUS REPORT:短消息傳輸協議數據單元,向接收MS通知由MS先前提交的源於移動的短消息的狀態,即SC是否能夠轉發該消息,或者該消息是否被存儲在SC中以供稍後傳送

SMS COMMAND:短消息傳輸協議數據單元,使MS能夠在SC調用操作


SMS DELIVER:包含用戶數據(短消息)的短消息傳輸協議數據單元,從SC發送到MS

SMS SUBMIT:包含用戶數據(短消息)的短消息傳輸協議數據單元,從MS發送到SC

TPDU: Transfer protocol data unit,傳輸協議數據單元

3. 服務和服務要素

3.1 Basic services











3.2 Short Message Service elements

3.2.0 Introduction





More Message to Send;





3.2.1 有效期

TP Validity Period參數值表示短消息有效的時間段,即在向接收者發送之前,SC應保證短消息在SC存儲器中存在多長時間。

3.2.2 服務中心時間戳


3.3.3 協議標識符








SMS COMMAND TP Protocol Identifier (TP PID)

3.3.4 More Message to Send

More Messages to Send是SC通知MS在該SC中有一條或多條消息等待發送給MS的信息元素。More Messages to Send信息元素使用message SMS DELIVER,TP More Messages to Send(TP MMS)中的布爾參數。

3.3.5 優先和非優先信息的傳遞





3.3.6 Message Waiting












圖1 Example of how information on one MS can be put in relation to SC(s)

in order to fulfil the requirement of Alert SC mechanism

MWD應包含一份SCs地址列表(SC Addr),該地址以前曾嘗試過不成功的消息傳遞。為了能夠將警報消息發送給每個嘗試向MS發送非單次SM的SC,HLR應存儲IMSI-Alert以及SC地址的參考。

3.2.7 Alert-SC

Alert-SC是服務元素,它可以由一些GSM/UMTS plmn提供,以通知SC MS:









3.2.7a MT Correlation ID



在協議層的IMSI IE中使用MT相關ID來代替IMSI。因此,其結構被定義為與該元素完全相同:

圖2 Structure of the MT Correlation

Sender ID:它由9位十進制數字組成,在其使用壽命內應是唯一的。出於安全目的,其值應為隨機分配的數字,而不是順序分配的數字。

3.2.9 Status report capabilities



SC無法將消息轉發給SME。原因可能是永久性或暫時性的錯誤。永久性錯誤可能是,例如有效期過期、SME地址無效。臨時性錯誤可能是,例如SC SME連接中斷,SME暫時不可用。

3.3 Unsuccessful short message TPDU transfer SC > MS

3.3.1 Errors occurring during transfer of TPDU to MS

這些錯誤通常是由於PLMN或MS中的限製或不支持的服務造成的。錯誤指示從SMS GMSC返回給SC,但MS的進一步診斷信息不可用。

3.3.2 Errors occurring after TPDU arrives at MS


Error indication Status (Permanent or Temporary) Meaning

Unknown subscriber P The PLMN rejects the short message TPDU because there is not allocated an IMSI or a directory number for the mobile subscriber in the HLR (see 3GPP TS 29.002 [15]).

Teleservice not provisioned P The PLMN rejects the short message TPDU because the recipient MS has no SMS subscription (see 3GPP TS 29.002 [15]).

Call barred T The PLMN rejects the short message TPDU due to barring of the MS (see 3GPP TS 29.002 [15], description of the Barring supplementary service, 3GPP TS 22.004 [3] and 3GPP TS 23.011[7]), description of Call barred due to Unauthorised Message Originator, 3GPP TS 29.002 [15], and description of Operator Determined Barring, 3GPP TS 22.041 [4] and 3GPP TS 23.015 [8]).

Facility not supported T The VPLMN rejects the short message TPDU due to no provision of the SMS in the VPLMN (see 3GPP TS 29.002 [15]).

Absent subscriber T The PLMN rejects the short message TPDU because ①there was no paging response via the SGSN, MSC or both (see 3GPP TS 24.008 [12] & 3GPP TS 29.002 [15]),②the IMSI GPRS or both records are marked detached (see 3GPP TS 29.002 [15]); ③the MS is subject to roaming restrictions (see “Roaming not allowed”, 3GPP TS 29.002 [15]); ④deregistered in the HLR. The HLR does not have an MSC, SGSN or both numbers stored for the target MS, (see 3GPP TS 29.002 [15]); ⑤Unidentified subscriber (see 3GPP TS 29.002 [15]); ⑥MS purged (see 3GPP TS 29.002 [15]) ; ⑦the MS is not registered in the HSS/HLR for IMS; ⑧there was no SIP response received by the IP-SM-GW; ⑨the MS is temporarily unavailable (eg in power saving mode due to eDRX). (The reasons for absence are assigned integer values in table 1a.The appropriate integer value is sent with the absent subscriber error indication as defined in 3GPP TS 29.002 [15])

MS busy for MT SMS T The PLMN rejects the short message TPDU because of congestion encountered at the visited MSC or the SGSN. Possible reasons include any of the following events in progress: ①short message delivery from another SC; ②IMSI or GPRS detach ③Location Update or Inter SGSN Routing Area Update; ④paging; ⑤emergency call; ⑥call setup.

SMS lower layers capabilities not provisioned T The PLMN rejects the short message TPDU due to MS not being able to support the Short Message Service. The short message transfer attempt is rejected either due to information contained in the class mark, or the MSC not being able to establish connection at SAPI = 3 (see 3GPP TS 24.008 [12] and 3GPP TS 29.002 [15]).

Error in MS T The PLMN rejects the short message TPDU due to an error occurring within the MS at reception of a short message, eg protocol error.

Illegal Subscriber P The PLMN rejects the short message TPDU because the MS failed authentication.

Illegal Equipment P The PLMN rejects the short message TPDU because the IMEI of the MS was black listed in the EIR.

System failure T The PLMN rejects the short message TPDU due to network or protocol failure others than those listed above (see 3GPP TS 29.002 [15]).

Memory Capacity Exceeded T The MS rejects the short message since it has no memory capacity available to store the message.



3.4 Unsuccessful short message TPDU transfer MS->SC

3.4.1 Errors occurring during transfer of TPDU to SC


3.4.2 Errors occurring after TPDU arrives at SC


3.5 將補充業務與短消息業務結合使用

只有3GPP TS 22.004[3]和3GPP TS 23.011[7]中定義的補充業務的子集可以與短消息業務結合使用。該子集包括以下補充業務:


3.6 運營商決定限制在短消息業務中的適用性

網絡特性運營商確定的限制(參見3GPP TS 22.041[4])適用於短消息服務。


3.7 多條短消息傳輸


3.8 短信和互聯網電子郵件互通


[<from address><space>]<message>


[<to address><space>]<message>

The to address or from address may take the form:



User Name <user@domain1.domain2>

3.9 短信壓縮

短消息可以根據3GPP TS 23.042[26]中描述的壓縮算法進行壓縮。




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2021年3月17日 星期三

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