2021年5月23日 星期日

Ubuntu 14.04 使用 codeblock

Ref:https://www.itread01.com/p/160649.html 1、安裝 sudo apt-get install codeblocks codeblocks-common codeblocks-contrib wxformbuilder libwxbase3.0-0 libwxgtk3.0-0 wx-common wx3.0-headers wx3.0-i18n wx3.0-examples 2、基礎配置 http://wiki.codeblocks.org/index.php?title=Syntax_highlighting_custom_colour_themes 新增theme setting => syntax highlighting 配置theme setting => editor => margin and caret 配置游標顯示(預設為黑色,黑色theme時看不到) setting => editor => keyboard shortcuts 配置快捷鍵 setting => editor => code complete 配置程式碼自動完成 3、專案 file => new => project 建立專案 專案屬性 => build options 配置專案環境,tag,shared lib,標頭檔案等 file => new => file / class 新新增程式碼檔案 4、常用快捷鍵 ctrl + G 跳轉到某一行 alt + G 開啟某一檔案 ctrl + shift + G 跳轉到某一函式 ctrl + F9 編譯 ctrl + F10 執行 ctrl + F11 重新編譯 F9 編譯+執行 5、DEBUG Project > Set programs' arguments...

2021年5月16日 星期日

QXDM handbook

[Operating mode]

MSG 07:04:47.945 IMS/High [ICSDPLHandlerVOWIFIDisabled.cpp    484] ICSDPLHandlerVOWIFIDisabled::ProcessCallCtrlCB | oprt mode (lpm on/off, etc.) - 61                        ICSDPLHandlerVOWIFIDisabled.cpp00484                    ICSDPLHandlerVOWIFIDisabled::ProcessCallCtrlCB | oprt mode (lpm on/off, etc.) - 6

2021年5月5日 星期三

Extract the UBIFS images from a UBI image.

Source: https://github.com/jrspruitt/ubi_reader/blob/master/README.md#extracting-images

sudo apt-get install ubi_reader

ubireader_extract_files [options] path/to/file

The script accepts a file with UBI or UBIFS data in it, so should work with a NAND dump. It will search for the first occurance of UBI or UBIFS data and attempt to extract the contents. If file includes special files, you will need to run as root or sudo for it to create these files. With out it, it'll skip them and show a warning that these files were not created.