AC Access channel. Access Control. Alternative Current.
ACAS Applicable configuration attribute selections
ACB Application control block
ACC Apparent charge capacity (QTI)
ACIR Adjacent channel interference ratio
ACK Acknowledgement
ACL Asynchronous connection-less
ACLR Adjacent Channel Leakage power Ratio or ACPR
ACM Abstract Control model
ACP Analog call processing
ACPMC Analog call processing main control
ACPMCVC Analog call processing main-control voice channel
ACPRX Analog call processing receive subtask
ACS Adjacent channel selectivity
ADC Analog-to-digital converter
ADP Automotive Development Platform
ADS Average Days Supply (存貨週轉天數)
AEHO Access entry handoff
AFLT Advanced forward link triangulation
AGC Automatic gain control
AHO Access handoff
AI Acquisition indicator
AICL Automatic Input Current Limiting
AOB All Our Business.
APN Access Point Name, the name of a gateway between a GPRS, 3G or 4G mobile network and another computer network, frequently the public Internet.
APR Async. Packet Router (QCT)
APSD Auto Power Source Detection (QTI)
ACM Abstract Control model
ACP Analog call processing
ACPMC Analog call processing main control
ACPMCVC Analog call processing main-control voice channel
ACPRX Analog call processing receive subtask
ACS Adjacent channel selectivity
ADC Analog-to-digital converter
ADP Automotive Development Platform
ADS Average Days Supply (存貨週轉天數)
AEHO Access entry handoff
AFLT Advanced forward link triangulation
AGC Automatic gain control
AHO Access handoff
AI Acquisition indicator
AICL Automatic Input Current Limiting
AOB All Our Business.
APN Access Point Name, the name of a gateway between a GPRS, 3G or 4G mobile network and another computer network, frequently the public Internet.
APR Async. Packet Router (QCT)
APSD Auto Power Source Detection (QTI)
ASIL D是產品最高的安全完整性,而ASIL A是最低的安全完整性。
Askey An automotive electronic player founded by ASUS.
Automotive RT Android
BA Bandwidth Adaption
BAM Bus Access Manager (QCT)
BIMC Bus integrated memory controller
BLOB Binary Large OBject
BLSP BAM Low-Speed Peripheral
BMS Battery Monitoring System
BPI Business Process Improvement
BSR (uplink) Buffer Rtatus Report
BWP BandWidth Part
CASS Code Authorization Signing Services (QTI)
CC Carrier Component.
CE Crypto engine.
CCB Change Control Board (A-SPICE)
CDC Calibrated Delay Circuit ((DDR)
Communication Device Class (USB)
CDP Core Development Platform
CDT Configuration Data Table
CLI Command Line Interface
C/No Carrier-to-Noise density ratio (dB-Hz). Directly dependent on the input signal power. Higher value indicates higher input signal power. Key factor for GPS satellite signal quality.
COB Close Of Business.
CoPQ Cost of Poor Quality
CPE Common Platform Enumeration
Askey An automotive electronic player founded by ASUS.
Automotive RT Android
BA Bandwidth Adaption
BAM Bus Access Manager (QCT)
BIMC Bus integrated memory controller
BLOB Binary Large OBject
BLSP BAM Low-Speed Peripheral
BMS Battery Monitoring System
BPI Business Process Improvement
BSR (uplink) Buffer Rtatus Report
BWP BandWidth Part
CASS Code Authorization Signing Services (QTI)
CC Carrier Component.
CE Crypto engine.
CCB Change Control Board (A-SPICE)
CDC Calibrated Delay Circuit ((DDR)
Communication Device Class (USB)
CDP Core Development Platform
CDT Configuration Data Table
CLI Command Line Interface
C/No Carrier-to-Noise density ratio (dB-Hz). Directly dependent on the input signal power. Higher value indicates higher input signal power. Key factor for GPS satellite signal quality.
COB Close Of Business.
CoPQ Cost of Poor Quality
CPE Common Platform Enumeration
Customer Premises Equipment
CQI Channel Quality Information
CRM Customer Relationship Management
CSFB Circuit Switch FallBack (communication)
CVS QCT Core Voice Service
CVP QCT Core Voice Processor
cynic 憤世嫉俗的人 (see finicky)
cynically 玩世不恭
cynicism 玩世不恭;犬儒主義
DAL Device Abstraction Layer
DC Dual Carrier. Dual Connectivity.
DCC (ARM) Debug Communication Channel
DCVS Dynamic clock and voltage scaling
DDI DDR Debug Image
CQI Channel Quality Information
CRM Customer Relationship Management
CSFB Circuit Switch FallBack (communication)
CVS QCT Core Voice Service
CVP QCT Core Voice Processor
cynic 憤世嫉俗的人 (see finicky)
cynically 玩世不恭
cynicism 玩世不恭;犬儒主義
DAL Device Abstraction Layer
DC Dual Carrier. Dual Connectivity.
DCC (ARM) Debug Communication Channel
DCVS Dynamic clock and voltage scaling
DDI DDR Debug Image
DFP Downstream Facing Port, a USB (Type-C) port
on a host or a hub to which devices are connected.
DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
DHD Dongle Host Driver (Broadcomm)
DM-VERITY Device-Mapper-Verity
DMZ Demilitarized Zone. 又名Perimeter network,即「邊界網路」、周邊網路[2]或「對外網路」,為一種網路架構的布置方案,常用的架設方案是在不信任的外部網路和可信任的企業網路絡外,建立一個面向外部網路的物理或邏輯子網路,該子網路能設置用於對外部網路的伺服器主機。
DRM Digital rights management
DHD Dongle Host Driver (Broadcomm)
DM-VERITY Device-Mapper-Verity
DMZ Demilitarized Zone. 又名Perimeter network,即「邊界網路」、周邊網路[2]或「對外網路」,為一種網路架構的布置方案,常用的架設方案是在不信任的外部網路和可信任的企業網路絡外,建立一個面向外部網路的物理或邏輯子網路,該子網路能設置用於對外部網路的伺服器主機。
DRM Digital rights management
DRP (USB Type-C) Dual Role Port, a USB Type-C port that can
operate as a DFP or UFP.
EAP Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) is an authentication framework frequently used in network and internet connections. EAP-
ECC Error Correction Code. Elliptic curve cryptography
ECDH Elliptic curve Diffie-Hillman
ECDSA Elliptic curve digital signature algorithm
EDX Energy Dispersive X-ray analysis 能量色散X射線分析 (可用於化學成份分析)
eFlow Electronic Workflow
ELF Executable and Linking Format
eMBMS Evolved Multimedia Broadcast Multicast Service
eNodeB E-UTRAN Node B, also known as Evolved Node B (abbreviated as eNodeB or eNB), is the element in E-UTRA of LTE that is the evolution of the element Node B in UTRA of UMTS. It is the hardware that is connected to the mobile phone network that communicates directly wirelessly with mobile handsets (UEs), like a base transceiver station (BTS) in GSM networks.
Traditionally, a Node B has minimum functionality, and is controlled by a Radio Network Controller (RNC). However, with an eNB, there is no separate controller element. This simplifies the architecture and allows lower response times.
ERM Eccentric Rotating Mass actuator (偏心旋轉塊馬達), 1st gen actuator for 力度回饋(haptics). See also haptics, LRA, piezo
ERP Enterprise Resource Planning
EV Electric Vehicle (automative)
EVM Error Vector Magnitude. RF ? index. Smaller is better.
F2FS Flash-Friendly File System
FA Failure Analysis
FACH Forward Access CHannel
FDD Freq-Division-Duplex (paired spectrum)
TDD Time-Division-Duplex (unpaired spectrum)
FEC Forward Error Correction.
FFA Form factor accurate (test phone)
FF-memless Force Feedback memory less
finicky Too picky. (see cynic)
FLUID Forward Looking User Interface Device (QCT)
FOTA Firmware Over The Air.
FS1 EFS Parttion1, = momdemst1 = m9kefs1
FS2 EFS Parttion2, = momdemst2 = m9kefs2
FSG EFS Parttion Golden Copy, = m9kefs3
FSC EFS Parttion 5 BAK cookie, = m9kefsc
FTM Factory Test Mode
Genvict the leading solution provider and system integrator for intelligent transportation and the Internet of Vehicles (IoV) and a leader in the China ETC industry.
ECC Error Correction Code. Elliptic curve cryptography
ECDH Elliptic curve Diffie-Hillman
ECDSA Elliptic curve digital signature algorithm
EDX Energy Dispersive X-ray analysis 能量色散X射線分析 (可用於化學成份分析)
eFlow Electronic Workflow
ELF Executable and Linking Format
eMBMS Evolved Multimedia Broadcast Multicast Service
eNodeB E-UTRAN Node B, also known as Evolved Node B (abbreviated as eNodeB or eNB), is the element in E-UTRA of LTE that is the evolution of the element Node B in UTRA of UMTS. It is the hardware that is connected to the mobile phone network that communicates directly wirelessly with mobile handsets (UEs), like a base transceiver station (BTS) in GSM networks.
Traditionally, a Node B has minimum functionality, and is controlled by a Radio Network Controller (RNC). However, with an eNB, there is no separate controller element. This simplifies the architecture and allows lower response times.
ERM Eccentric Rotating Mass actuator (偏心旋轉塊馬達), 1st gen actuator for 力度回饋(haptics). See also haptics, LRA, piezo
ERP Enterprise Resource Planning
EV Electric Vehicle (automative)
EVM Error Vector Magnitude. RF ? index. Smaller is better.
F2FS Flash-Friendly File System
FA Failure Analysis
FACH Forward Access CHannel
FDD Freq-Division-Duplex (paired spectrum)
TDD Time-Division-Duplex (unpaired spectrum)
FEC Forward Error Correction.
FFA Form factor accurate (test phone)
FF-memless Force Feedback memory less
finicky Too picky. (see cynic)
FLUID Forward Looking User Interface Device (QCT)
FOTA Firmware Over The Air.
FS1 EFS Parttion1, = momdemst1 = m9kefs1
FS2 EFS Parttion2, = momdemst2 = m9kefs2
FSG EFS Parttion Golden Copy, = m9kefs3
FSC EFS Parttion 5 BAK cookie, = m9kefsc
FTM Factory Test Mode
Genvict the leading solution provider and system integrator for intelligent transportation and the Internet of Vehicles (IoV) and a leader in the China ETC industry.
GIBA GPRS IMS Bundled Authentication
GMSL Gigabit Multimedia Serial Link (a.k.a SERDES for Video)
GWL GWL (3gpp rats) means GSM (2G), WCDMA(3G) and LTE (4G) rats
GSTK Generic SIM Application Toolkit
HDR HDR (3gpp2) means Hybrid dual receiver which is DATA only NW.
HEV Hybrid EV (automative)
HMAC Hashed message authentication code
HSIC High-Speed Inter-Chip interface. USB2.0 for chips on the same PCBA. D+/D- are replaced by Data and Strobe(DDR).
HVAC Heat, Vantilating(送風), Air Conditioning
HVDCP High Voltage Dedicated Charging Port (QTI)
IADC Current measurement ADC (QCT)
GWL GWL (3gpp rats) means GSM (2G), WCDMA(3G) and LTE (4G) rats
GSTK Generic SIM Application Toolkit
HDR HDR (3gpp2) means Hybrid dual receiver which is DATA only NW.
HEV Hybrid EV (automative)
HMAC Hashed message authentication code
HSIC High-Speed Inter-Chip interface. USB2.0 for chips on the same PCBA. D+/D- are replaced by Data and Strobe(DDR).
HVAC Heat, Vantilating(送風), Air Conditioning
HVDCP High Voltage Dedicated Charging Port (QTI)
IADC Current measurement ADC (QCT)
IE Information Element (3GPP)
IPA IP Accelerator (QCT)
IPSec Internet Protocol Security
IR Incident Response (security), Incident Report (security), InfraRed
IrDA InfraRed Data Association
ISO14496 MPEG4
ISO16949 汽車業品質管理系統.
Aimed at the development of a quality management system that provides for continual improvement,
emphasizing defect prevention and the reduction of variation and waste in the supply chain.
Prepared by the International Automotive Task Force (IATF).
JDM Joint Design Manufacturer
L2TP Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol
LE Linux-Enabled (QCT). Lab Entry (certification)
LK Little Kernel-based Android boot loader
LiQUID Large Qualcomm User Interface Device.
IPA IP Accelerator (QCT)
IPSec Internet Protocol Security
IR Incident Response (security), Incident Report (security), InfraRed
IrDA InfraRed Data Association
ISO14496 MPEG4
ISO16949 汽車業品質管理系統.
Aimed at the development of a quality management system that provides for continual improvement,
emphasizing defect prevention and the reduction of variation and waste in the supply chain.
Prepared by the International Automotive Task Force (IATF).
JDM Joint Design Manufacturer
L2TP Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol
LE Linux-Enabled (QCT). Lab Entry (certification)
LK Little Kernel-based Android boot loader
LiQUID Large Qualcomm User Interface Device.
LOWI Location WiFi Interface (QTI)
LPG Light Pulse Generation
LPG Light Pulse Generation
LPWAN Lower Power Wide Area Network
LRA Linear Resonant Actuator. 2nd gen actuator for 力度回饋(haptics). See also haptics, ERM, piezo
MAC Media Access Control (PHY)
LRA Linear Resonant Actuator. 2nd gen actuator for 力度回饋(haptics). See also haptics, ERM, piezo
MAC Media Access Control (PHY)
Mandatory Access Control (Security)
MBIM Mobile Broadband Interface Model.(QCT)
MCC Mobile Country Code.
MD Mechanical Design/Department
ME Mechanical Engineer.
MIL Malfunction Indicator Lamp (automotive)
MIBIB Multi-Image Boot Infomation Block.
MNO Mobile Network Operator
MT Call-in (ata)
MS Mobile Station
MSL Mean Sea Level (WG-84)
MO Call-out (atd)
MobileAP Mobile Access Point
MTBF Fit = 10^9 hours
1 fit ~ MTBF=114155(year) ~ 8.76ppm ~0.000876 failure at 1st year.
MTP Modem Test Platform
MVS QCT Multimode Vocoder Service interfaces with the protocol and voice subsystem in the ADSP.
NA Neighbor Advertisement
NAD Network Attached Device
NAS Network Attached Storage; Non-Access Stratum.
NAT Network Address Translation
PIL Peripheral Image Loader
MBIM Mobile Broadband Interface Model.(QCT)
MCC Mobile Country Code.
MD Mechanical Design/Department
ME Mechanical Engineer.
MIL Malfunction Indicator Lamp (automotive)
MIBIB Multi-Image Boot Infomation Block.
MNO Mobile Network Operator
MT Call-in (ata)
MS Mobile Station
MSL Mean Sea Level (WG-84)
MO Call-out (atd)
MobileAP Mobile Access Point
MTBF Fit = 10^9 hours
1 fit ~ MTBF=114155(year) ~ 8.76ppm ~0.000876 failure at 1st year.
MTP Modem Test Platform
MVS QCT Multimode Vocoder Service interfaces with the protocol and voice subsystem in the ADSP.
NA Neighbor Advertisement
NAD Network Attached Device
NAS Network Attached Storage; Non-Access Stratum.
NAT Network Address Translation
NG eCALL 在基於IP的LTE系統中,NG eCall自然地將不使用調變音訊訊號進行資料傳輸。
NRE None-Recurring Expense
OBS Obsolete material
ODM Original Design Manufacturer
ODU Outdoor Device Unit
OHB Operational HandBook
OMA-DM Open Mobile Alliance - Device Management (MobilePhobe APP update architecture)
OPM Operation Product Manager.
OTA Over The Air
OtD Order-to-Delivery (peter)
OTDOA Observed Time Difference Of Arrival, a positioning feature introduced in rel9 E-UTRA (LTE radio).
It's a multilateration method in which the User Equipment (UE) measures the time difference between some specific signals from several enodeBs and reports these time differences to a specific device in the network (the ESMLC).
The ESMLC based on these time differences and knowledge of the enodeBs locations calculates the UEs' position.
?: can be supported but not able to be verified.
PD Process Domain (80-NP527-50)
PDAPI Position Determination API (PDAPI, QTI 80-VG193-1 C)
NRE None-Recurring Expense
OBS Obsolete material
ODM Original Design Manufacturer
ODU Outdoor Device Unit
OHB Operational HandBook
OMA-DM Open Mobile Alliance - Device Management (MobilePhobe APP update architecture)
OPM Operation Product Manager.
OTA Over The Air
OtD Order-to-Delivery (peter)
OTDOA Observed Time Difference Of Arrival, a positioning feature introduced in rel9 E-UTRA (LTE radio).
It's a multilateration method in which the User Equipment (UE) measures the time difference between some specific signals from several enodeBs and reports these time differences to a specific device in the network (the ESMLC).
The ESMLC based on these time differences and knowledge of the enodeBs locations calculates the UEs' position.
?: can be supported but not able to be verified.
PD Process Domain (80-NP527-50)
PDAPI Position Determination API (PDAPI, QTI 80-VG193-1 C)
PDCA Plan Do(Take action) Check Act (formulate improvement actions)
PE Process Engineering
PEB Physical Erase Block (QCT, UBI)
PHEV Plugin HEV (automative)
PHR Power Headroom Report
PICS Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement (3GPP)
PEB Physical Erase Block (QCT, UBI)
PHEV Plugin HEV (automative)
PHR Power Headroom Report
PICS Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement (3GPP)
Product Information Comformance Sheet (Feature support list) (wireless communication)
PIL Peripheral Image Loader
PIN Personal identification number (SIM)
PIXIT Protocol Implementation eXtra Information fot Testing settings. (3GPP)
PL Product Line
PLM rocuct Lifecycle Management
PLMN Public Land Mobile Network
POR PowerOnReset, Plan of Record (QTI)
PL Product Line
PLM rocuct Lifecycle Management
PLMN Public Land Mobile Network
POR PowerOnReset, Plan of Record (QTI)
PPE Precision Positioning Engine (QTI)
PPTP Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol
PRL Preferred Roaming List.
PPTP Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol
PRL Preferred Roaming List.
PUK Personal unblocking key, used in SIM cards to reset a personal identification number (PIN)
PUCCH Physical Uplink Control CHannel. Short but statically allocated channel.
PUSCH Physical Uplink Shared CHannel. Long but dynamically allocated channel.
PDCCH Physical Downlink Control CHannel. Short but statically allocated channel.
PDSCH Physical Downlink Shared CHannel. Long but dynamically allocated channel.
DCI Downlink Control Information
UCI Uplink Control Information
CSI-RS Channel State I - Reference Signal
SON-ANR Self-Organizing Networks Automatic Neighbor Relation
SRS Sounding Reference Signal
QAM QCT Application Module
QCN Feature support detail parameters.
QDSS QCT Diagnostic
QDST QCT Digital Signing Tool
QFIL QCT Flash Image Loader.
QFPROM QCT Fuse-Programmable ROM.
QMI QCT MSM Interface
QTM QCT Telematics Module
QTI Qualcomm Tethering Interface
R&R Roles & Responsibility
RA Router Advertisement
PUCCH Physical Uplink Control CHannel. Short but statically allocated channel.
PUSCH Physical Uplink Shared CHannel. Long but dynamically allocated channel.
PDCCH Physical Downlink Control CHannel. Short but statically allocated channel.
PDSCH Physical Downlink Shared CHannel. Long but dynamically allocated channel.
DCI Downlink Control Information
UCI Uplink Control Information
CSI-RS Channel State I - Reference Signal
SON-ANR Self-Organizing Networks Automatic Neighbor Relation
SRS Sounding Reference Signal
QAM QCT Application Module
QCN Feature support detail parameters.
QDSS QCT Diagnostic
QDST QCT Digital Signing Tool
QFIL QCT Flash Image Loader.
QFPROM QCT Fuse-Programmable ROM.
QMI QCT MSM Interface
QTM QCT Telematics Module
QTI Qualcomm Tethering Interface
R&R Roles & Responsibility
RA Router Advertisement
RASIC Responsible Approve Support Inform Consult
RDM Runtime Device Mapper (QTI)
RFQ Request For Quotation
RIL Radio Interface Layer
RLF Radio Link Failure
RoyalTek 鼎天 New player of automotive electronics (2019)
RRC Radio Resource Control
rSAP Remote SIM Access Profile (SAP on a non-UIM bus, such as USB or BT)
RS Router Solicitation
RSRP Reference Signal Received Power
RSRQ Reference Signal Received Quality (RSRQ = resourcce_block_count*RSRP/RSSI)
RSSI Reference Signal Strength Indicator
RVCT (ARM) RealView Compilation Tools
RVDS (ARM) RealView Development Suite (RVCT --> RVDS --> DevStudio-5)
SAP Sensor (accelerameter/gyro) Asisted Positioning.
SIM Access Profile (3GPP, protocol to access SIM) SCM Secure Channel Manager
Security is a process, not a product.
SFE Shortcut Forward Engine (QCT, low-cost IPA)
SFCS Shop Floor Control System
SIM Subscriber Identity Module.
SIO Serial Input/Output
SKU Stock Keeping Unit
RDM Runtime Device Mapper (QTI)
RFQ Request For Quotation
RIL Radio Interface Layer
RLF Radio Link Failure
RoyalTek 鼎天 New player of automotive electronics (2019)
RRC Radio Resource Control
rSAP Remote SIM Access Profile (SAP on a non-UIM bus, such as USB or BT)
RS Router Solicitation
RSRP Reference Signal Received Power
RSRQ Reference Signal Received Quality (RSRQ = resourcce_block_count*RSRP/RSSI)
RSSI Reference Signal Strength Indicator
RVCT (ARM) RealView Compilation Tools
RVDS (ARM) RealView Development Suite (RVCT --> RVDS --> DevStudio-5)
SAP Sensor (accelerameter/gyro) Asisted Positioning.
SIM Access Profile (3GPP, protocol to access SIM) SCM Secure Channel Manager
Security is a process, not a product.
SFE Shortcut Forward Engine (QCT, low-cost IPA)
SFCS Shop Floor Control System
SIM Subscriber Identity Module.
SIO Serial Input/Output
SKU Stock Keeping Unit
SMACK Simplified Mandatory Access Control Kernel
SMP Service Management Platform
SMP2P Shared Memory Point to Point protocol (QCT)
SPS Semi Persistent Scheduling
SRRC State Radio Regulatory Commission of the People's Republic of China
Square-Root Raised Cosine signals
STAR 所謂STAR原則,即Situation(情景)、Task(任務)、Action(行動)和Result(結果)
strenuous 費勁的
STK SIM Tool Kit (中華電信工具箱?)
TAT Test At Temperature. TAT is only tested for safe launch when a project
starts to entering mass production line (C5). (WNC)
TCU Truck Control Unit (?)
TE Terminal Equipment, Test Equipment
TEE Trusted Exection Environment. (TrustZone is one)
TLMM Top-Level Mode Mux (QCT, pin controller)
TPIU Trace Port Interface Unit (ARM,CoreSight)
TS16949 ADM2005
TTF Time To Fix (GNSS)
TTFF Time To First Fix (GNSS)
UEFI Unified Extensible Firmware Interface
UFP Upstream Facing Port, a USB (Type-C) port
on a device or a hub that connects to
SMP2P Shared Memory Point to Point protocol (QCT)
SPS Semi Persistent Scheduling
SRRC State Radio Regulatory Commission of the People's Republic of China
Square-Root Raised Cosine signals
STAR 所謂STAR原則,即Situation(情景)、Task(任務)、Action(行動)和Result(結果)
strenuous 費勁的
STK SIM Tool Kit (中華電信工具箱?)
TAT Test At Temperature. TAT is only tested for safe launch when a project
starts to entering mass production line (C5). (WNC)
TCU Truck Control Unit (?)
TE Terminal Equipment, Test Equipment
TEE Trusted Exection Environment. (TrustZone is one)
TLMM Top-Level Mode Mux (QCT, pin controller)
TPIU Trace Port Interface Unit (ARM,CoreSight)
TS16949 ADM2005
TTF Time To Fix (GNSS)
TTFF Time To First Fix (GNSS)
UEFI Unified Extensible Firmware Interface
UFP Upstream Facing Port, a USB (Type-C) port
on a device or a hub that connects to
a host or DFP of a hub.
UIM User Identity Module
UPnP Universal Plug and Play
URLLC Ultra Reliable and Low-Latency Communication (5G)
VADC Voltage measurement ADC (QCT)
VBMS Voltage mode Battery Monitoring System (QTI)
VirtualSIM No physical SIM. Replaced by MODEM NV.
Waymo 一家研發自動駕駛汽車的公司,為Alphabet公司旗下的子公司。
UPnP Universal Plug and Play
URLLC Ultra Reliable and Low-Latency Communication (5G)
VADC Voltage measurement ADC (QCT)
VBMS Voltage mode Battery Monitoring System (QTI)
VirtualSIM No physical SIM. Replaced by MODEM NV.
Waymo 一家研發自動駕駛汽車的公司,為Alphabet公司旗下的子公司。